Sina Beizavi Art

Filmmaker, actor, and digital artist. I have dedicated my life to expressing emotions through art with the hope of touching someone else’s feelings and provoking their thoughts.

Always learning something new. If I need to work with new software or acquire a skill to execute an idea, I dive right in with no hesitation. Since art is a way of communication for me, I educate myself in languages, psychology, and biology to understand exactly who we are, how we function, and how we can connect to each other in pursuit of meaning.

I studied dramatic literature and made several short films that were screened at different film festivals. My digital paintings have been exhibited in São Paulo, Amsterdam, Florence, Paris, and New York.

Filmmaker, actor, and digital artist. I have dedicated my life to expressing emotions through art with the hope of touching someone else’s feelings and provoking their thoughts.

Always learning something new. If I need to work with new software or acquire a skill to execute an idea, I dive right in with no hesitation. Since art is a way of communication for me, I educate myself in languages, psychology, and biology to understand exactly who we are, how we function, and how we can connect to each other in pursuit of meaning.

I studied dramatic literature and made several short films that were screened at different film festivals. My digital paintings have been exhibited in São Paulo, Amsterdam, Florence, Paris, and New York.

My Portfolio

Taming Love

Curated by Anna (ArtVision) for Vitruveochain, to be featured on Time Square, New York. 2024. The concept is befriending the monster...

Refusion of a Life

This piece is a personal coming out story and all the conflicting feelings that comes along with it. Curated for the FND World LOVE IS...

Conjuring the Living

Dan, John, Russel, Jeffrey, Aaron and Jackson are 6 dead men who didn't love when they had the chance. What they couldn't bear to witness...

Liberation of a Mind

Included in the ArtPacks BIRTHRIGHT [FREEDOM] drop


Included in the ArtPacks VESSEL drop. Curated by Zey Renda.

Maintenance At The End Of The World

When something you love is going to ruin, you don't want to accept it. You fight for it. It feels like your whole world is crumbling, but...

Two brothers argue over a job position at a clothing brand company. The older one (Shirzad) is influenced by a dark creature to get what he...